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D-Day Remembrance

June 7, 2023

D-Day Remembrance



D-Day Remembrance

June 7, 2023

D-Day Remembrance



No. PAX:



The Den


Big Blue, Lobstah, Woodchuck, Firewall, Spellcheck, Drawstring, Cropfit, Chowdah, PoPo, Double Mint, Double Down, The Juice, Stall, Bunyan, Patches, Sticks and Stones, FNG Trojan


F3 Workout on 06-07-2023​ - D-Day Remembrance

​(Bring Coupon and 6 cones)


➢ Warm-a-rama - Pledge of Allegiance / 5 CP / Credo

- Abe Vagoda’s – 20 IC (slow count 1,2,3 – 1 )

- Michael Phelps – 10 IC

- Grass Pickers – 10 IC

- Copperhead Squats – 10 IC


➢ The Thang 1 – Storming the Beaches Workout

On Jun 6th, 1944, the Americans, British and Canadian

forces landed on the 5 beaches of the heavily defended

50 mile coastline of Normandy:  Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword

"The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of

liberty-loving people everywhere march with you."

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's message before the invasion.

- Start from cone (landing craft) and rifle carry to cone directly ahead

- Complete 30 min AMRAP of exercises; each full round is 100 reps


UTAH – first cone on right – Mountain Climbers – 10 IC

a. Ammo can carry back to center

b. Flutter Kicks (with coupon in press position) – 10 IC

OMAHA – 2nd cone from right - No Surrenders – 10 IC

c. Ammo can carry back to center

d. Flutter Kicks (with coupon in press position) – 10 IC

GOLD – center cone - Blockees – 10 OYO

e. Ammo can carry back to center

f. Flutter Kicks (with coupon in press position) – 10 IC

JUNO – 4th cone - Foxhole – 10 IC

g. Ammo can carry back to center

h. Flutter Kicks (with coupon in press position) – 10 IC

SWORD – cone on left – Imperial Squat Walkers – 10 IC

i. Ammo can carry back to center

j. Flutter Kicks (with coupon in press position) – 10 IC

- Worked in groups of 3-4 (battle buddy – stick together!)


We got through 2 full rounds!


- Do-wah-diddy – line up in 3 lines and start Army Crawl;

lead rolls out and does Merkins until last pax passes;-

yell “6” which signals the lead person to repeat movement


It was a great morning to get out there and exercise. Thank you for following my lead!!


Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama,

Announcements, Prayer/praise requests.

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